Sunday, November 20, 2005

My First Astronomy Software - Should be yours, too!

This is the software I purchased on a lark for my wife's birthday. It is very simple to use and comes with a great DVD. I'm sure you'll enjoy it as well:

I love this software! From the first moment my wife loaded it on her notebook we started studying astronomy. Finally, after all these years, my parent's purchase of a 4" refractor scope back in 1971 paid off. Of course that scope is long gone, sold to a friend in 1979 who, I may add, never paid me! We absolutely love this software and it has made our journey into space much more enjoyable. We take it outside with us and have it available to identify everything we see. It even locates and names most man-made satellites! I know you will love and get great use from this software. This is the "entry level" version. Below I have linked more advanced versions.

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